Supplements- Magic pill to boost immunity ?

It seems that supplements are emerging as a new shortcut to health. Vit. C and zinc have become the quick-fix for boosting immunity along with the plethora of other supplements.

Don't like sour fruits? Take a vitamin-C supplement.

Don't have time to go out in the sun? Take Vitamin- D supplement.

Had junk food this week? Take a multivitamin.

Wanna lose weight? Take a diet supplement/ replacement.

Have a heart problem? Take a fish -oil supplement.

Don't have time to make healthy home-cooked meals? Take a multivitamin/supplement.

But can a deficiency in nutrients be covered by the use of supplements and supplements alone?? 

It is tempting to think that a pill, powder, or concoction will cover all your nutritional needs. But, it’s not equivalent to consuming food! Whole foods provide complete health benefits that cannot be matched by isolated nutrients. The nutrients react in a complex way which enhance the health of a person eg. Dal and roti eaten together improves the absorption of certain amino acids.

Health is the holistic care of mind, body, and spirit. The fear of disease, on the other hand, results in knee-jerk responses. The hasty measures to improve our health include taking supplements without recommendation. Caution has to be exercised, as it can result in more harm than good. Protein supplements, popular with body-builders, stress the kidneys. They are not the solution to dietary errors (eg. eating fewer fruits and veggies). 

In the end, remember that supplements are meant to be supplementary — meaning they enhance benefits already provided by eating a well-rounded diet. They cannot substitute a nutritious diet.



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