Remove these 4 foods from your diet

“The food you eat can be either the safest & most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison” ~Ann Wigmore

Food can be medicine or poison depending on the choices you make. Anything in excess is harmful for the body. Here are a few things which we all need to chuck out for a healthier living.

1. Refined sugar

Sugar is everywhere! Apart from the obvious jams, nutella spread and juices; they are present in foods like ketchup, bottled salad dressings, various types of packed sauces, peanut butters, biscuits, breads, even breakfast cereals. We even sweeten our veggies and savory dishes with it!

Research indicates that high sugar consumption is related to increased incidence of obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiac disorders, dental caries, acne, depression, ageing and  gout. It even changes the gut bacteria and affects our immune system in a negative manner.

Choose: Jaggery/ Gur and honey are natural and better options to sweeten your day. Please use the organic varieties for maximum benefits. Opt for sweet fruits (jackfruit, bananas, pineapple, grapes etc.) or dry fruits like dates and figs for dessert.

2. Refined flour /maida

Devoid of all beneficial nutritional components like B-vitamins, minerals and fibre, refined flour just contributes to the "empty calories" in your diet. It speeds ageing,  weight gain, may cause migraines and leads to constipation. 

Choose:  Unprocessed flours. Plenty of alternatives are available for refined flour in our markets. Go for the minimally processed variety. Opt for whole wheat flour, jowar flour, ragi flour, oats flour, almond flour, besan, makki aata/maize flour etc. 


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3.Sodas/ carbonated beverages

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Most of the carbonated beverages are colas and other flavored beverages. The phosphorus present in them leaches out the calcium from bones resulting in weak bonesThey are associated with fatty liver disease, dental caries  and weight gain due to the high sugar content. An Australian study found that kids who had carbonated beverages were more likely to suffer from lung diseases like asthma.

Choose: Water and other natural drinks eg. lemon water, coconut water, buttermilk, freshly squeezed juice, lassi, sugarcane juice / ganne ka ras, kokum sherbet, bel juice etc.

4. Packed juices

The packed juices are not quite as healthy as they are touted to be. High in sugar, low in nutrients. Most micronutrients and bioactive compounds are lost during processing and sometimes have to be added later. They need acidity regulators and preservatives for a better shelf life. Colors are also added to make them attractive. The health benefits of 100% fruit juice comes only from freshly squeezed fruit, and not from the sugar concentrates marketed as juice. Be vigilant and read the label, before choosing a drink for your family.

Choose: Whole fruit is always a better option. It provides all the nutrients in their bio-active form. If you want juice, take the freshly squeezed ones with no added sugar. Home made juices also tend to have a better fiber content if you don't strain them. They provide better satiety and do not cause any major spike in blood sugar levels.

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Do you know that the cutlery and utensils you use can also affect your health? I'm going to talk about it in upcoming post, so stay tuned.


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