Baby blues- how diet can help?

After delivery many new mothers have to deal with 'baby blues'. New mothers feel sad, anxious, irritable and weepy during this period. The hormones of a woman are stabilizing themselves and its natural to feel a little overwhelmed. Psychological support and help are needed by the mother to overcome these blues.

When this anxiety period lasts for more than 2 weeks , It develops into 'post partum depression' and you might need professional help.

Post-partum depression- How diet can help?

Though much is to be learned about postpartum depression, there are a few nutrients which have been found to help in overcoming PPD in new mothers.

·         Riboflavin- it’s also known as vit. B2. It is part of the b-complex vitamins. The Osaka maternal and child health study conducted in Japan on more than 800 women observed that riboflavin intake helped in post partum depression. Eggs, salmon, tofu, avocado, milk, mushrooms, spinach, almonds are some of the richest sources of riboflavin.

·         Omega -3 polyunsaturated fatty acids/ Omega -3 PUFAs - It you are a health buff, you know how important these good fatty acids are in our diet. A meta- analytic review done on studies relating to PUFA has been found to improve the symptoms of depression (3). Almonds, walnuts, salmon, avocado, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, tofu are some of the foods rich in these healthy fats.

·         VIT. D- A randomised trial done on more than 150 Iranian women linked Vitamin D3 supplementation during last trimester of pregnancy with lowered depression symptoms.(5)It also helps in the absorption of calcium from the food. This ‘sunshine vitamin’ as it is popularly called is made by our bodies by exposure to the UV radiation from the sun. Our bodies make sufficient Vit D in 15-20 minutes of exposure by the sun. Fatty fishes like tuna, mackerel and salmon are good sources of Vit D. Wild mushrooms and egg yolks are also good sources. Sometimes the doctor will give you supplement if your vit D levels are low.


·         Herbs like ashwagandha has been studied with promising result on the effect of stress. It can be used to help alleviating the symptoms of PPD.
Overall a healthy diet and a good support network will help you tide this immensely important phase in your life. Savour the time spent with your new-born and cherish these moments with your family.
Welcome to motherhood!


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