Simple diet for the loosies (Diarrhea diet)

India is a tropical country. A hot and humid climate encourages the harmful bacteria to grow in our foods and cause abdominal discomfort. A stomach infection usually leads to diarrhea in most cases. That's why it is so important to eat fresh foods and wash hands before eating.

Diarrhea is one of the most common manifestation of these infections. It can be difficult to feed a person with diarrhea, since the appetite to eat simply dies. Weakness sets in, and a person will take long time to recover. Here are a few things which can be used for a person suffering from diarrhea and help him/her recover:
  1. ORS- Since the body loses a lot of fluids and minerals due to diarrhea, its very very important to keep body hydrated. Otherwise, the dehydration can be lethal. ORS gives the perfect balance of minerals and water for the recovery of body and maintenance of the body fluids.Image result for ORS
  1. Lemonade- Lemon squeezed with mint, salt and sugar in water. It will balance the electrolytes in the body and save from dehydration. Image result for lemonade
  2. Plain yogurt/ dahi- it cools down the body and helps hold the stools together. Its also a natural probiotic and helps in improving the gut health.Image result for yogurt
  3. Bananas- They are a boon to the person suffering. They provide the required energy and a balance of nutrients to the body.Image result for bananas
  4. Boiled and mashed potatoes - with a little salt. Though it is bland, it'll help to gain some energy and recover from the weakness accompanying diarrhea.Image result for mashed potato
  5. Buttermilk- thin buttermilk is a natural source of minerals. It also has cooling properties. Related image
  6. Lauki/ dudhi vegetable- when the number of stools per day has reduced we can give lightly cooked lauki vegetable with minimum spices to the patient. This will help in recovery.Image result for lauki
  7. Khichri and curd- khichri made up of rice and yellow moong dal will help in giving body the protein lost and aid recovery.Image result for simple khichdi
  8. Curd rice- a simple recipe made with cooked rice and curd with addition of little ghee and curry leaves is also soothing to the tummy. You can also just give plain curd and cooked rice on the side. Add a little salt for flavor.Image result for curd rice
  9. Stewed apple- Just peel and stew the apple for the patient. It is really good for the kids.Image result for stewed apple
 Here are a few things which we should avoid
  1. Juices- They are high in sugar and will induce diarrhea. Especially packed ones are bad as they have additional sugar in them.
  2. Fizzy drinks- Don’t even try these sugar loaded drinks. They dehydrate the body and induce further diarrhea.
  3. Milk - Though not an unhealthy beverage, milk will induce further loose stools.

 What to do if you, yourself, are suffering from this malady? Here are a few hacks which I used during my hostel days-
1. Drink black coffee
2. Mix tea with equal parts water and drink it. It helps to calm the tummy. Usually it worked with immediate effects.
3. Take rest. Lie down and breathe deeply.
4. Take sips of water, add salt and sugar to it.

Hope this info is useful to you...I would love to hear from you about your hacks too!


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