Avoid heat stroke: few tips

The summers have arrived. The soaring temperatures are accompanied by the heat waves. A heat wave is a period of abnormally high temperatures, more than the normal maximum temperature that occurs during the summer season (according to the National Disaster Management Authority).

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Heat strokes cases are always on the rise with the advent of the summer season in India. Heat stroke is caused when the body’s temperature rises to 40°C (104°F) or more, accompanied by delirium, seizures or coma. It can be a fatal condition. 

The good news is, that it's preventable. You needn’t be the victim of the heat wave, if you take a few simple precautions. Here’s how to keep yourself and your loved ones cool this summer:
1.    Hydrate yourself- Drink, drink and drink some more should be your motto. If you are not interested in drinking plain water, jazz it up by adding citrus wedges , mint leaves or cucumber slices. Having coconut water is also a good idea, if its readily available in your neighborhood. Stick to natural drinks like aam panna( raw mango drink), buttermilk, lemonade, freshly squeezed seasonal juices (eg. bel, mausmi, watermelon etc.), khus sherbet (its made from a kind of grass called vetiver and has cooling properties). Say no to fizzy drinks and packed juices. They cause dehydration.

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2.    Avoid direct sunlight- -  Avoid going out in the peak hours of heat i.e. between 12 to 4pm. Reschedule your appointments before or after that. Better still, you can arrange for a video conference instead. If you still need to go out, use adequate protection.
3.    Protect yourself- Apart from using a good sunscreen (with SPF upto 30 and more) you can use scarves, hats and umbrellas to cover your head from direct sunlight. Prefer wearing long sleeved, full length dresses to avoid a sun burn. Putting on gloves before you touch the handle of you bike is probably best to avoid blisters. Use UV protection eye glasses, especially if you are driving, to avoid glare.

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4.    Carry water- Always carry a water bottle on your way out. Sip it regularly if you are in for a long drive. Give an extra bottle of water to the kids. My daughter’s  bottle is usually finished before the school is over so I pack an extra one in the summer months. You can also give glucose water for extra energy. Ensure they have enough water/ fluids before they go outdoors for playing.
5.    Bathe more often – Do I need to explain this?? Bathing will reduce the body temperature and bring it to normal. I’m sure the kids won’t need prompting for this one.:)

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6.    Use age-old wisdom- Before water purifiers, filters, RO systems, and water coolers we just had earthen pots at home, especially in summer for drinking water. These are naturally porous and kept the water pleasantly chilled. People with cold, cough and asthma can also drink from the same. They have a cooling effect on body and are good for gut health. Plus they are eco friendly. Good for your health and good for the environment too!
Have a cool summer!!
Stay healthy, stay happy


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