
Showing posts from December, 2011

Party season!

Party season is here! We all are trying to look right in this festive season of Christmas and New year when we all party galore. Not to mention that the cool whether in India, gives us the opportunity and excuse to dig into loads of food...only to lead us to make new year resolutions of eating healthy. Here are a few tips on how to look good and eat well too: 1. Keep a record of your daily diet. 2. Partying at home? Shop healthy 3. I know everyone loves sweet treats, but keep these tips in mind for a bright smile. 4. You love food, but you just gotta watch the scale? Remember the smart way to stay slim . 5. Drink water , its winters but it still important to keep yourself hydrated. Also those tequila shots will dehydrate you. 6. Don’t rush to get thin and don’t skip meals . 7. If you are a couch potato, get yourself moving. Walk , exercise and get ready to groove on the dance floor. 8. Parties are usually for the evening, so have a healthy lunch and snack smart in th...

Ketogenic diet

Ketogenic diet has been around since the 1920s. It was used to control epileptic seizures in refractory seizure patients i.e. patients on which the drugs won't work. Epilepsy is a taboo in India. It’s a problem surrounded by local myths which goes untreated for a long time (if at all!). The estimated number of persons with epilepsy in India was noted to be approximately 5.5 million, among whom approximately 4.1 million resided in rural areas ( Murthy et al,1999 ). What does this diet do? 1.Helps reduce the symptoms and frequency of seizures. 2.Reduce drug use and minimize side effects. What is ketogenic diet? This diet replaces ketone bodies (produced by fats) as the preferred food of the brain instead of glucose(produced by carbohydrates). Therefore a person on this diet, mainly derives his/her energy from fats . The classic ketogenic diet contains a 4:1 ratio by weight of fat to protein and carbohydrate together. It excludes high-carbohydrate foods such as starchy fru...