Baby blues- how diet can help?
After delivery many new mothers have to deal with 'baby blues'. New mothers feel sad, anxious, irritable and weepy during this period. The hormones of a woman are stabilizing themselves and its natural to feel a little overwhelmed. Psychological support and help are needed by the mother to overcome these blues. image When this anxiety period lasts for more than 2 weeks , It develops into 'post partum depression' and you might need professional help. Post-partum depression - How diet can help? Though much is to be learned about postpartum depression, there are a few nutrients which have been found to help in overcoming PPD in new mothers. · Riboflavin- it’s also known as vit. B2. It is part of the b-complex vitamins. The Osaka maternal and child health study conducted in Japan on more than 800 women observed that riboflavin intake helped in post partum depression. Eggs, salmon, tofu, avocado, milk, mushrooms, spi...